“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things … some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.” ~Jackson Pollock
Sweet Georgie is my first cat portrait with Prismacolor pencils and pan pastels (background). Substrate is Canson mi Teintes. She is a gift for a dear friend who lives in New Jersey.
The last time I visited Linda, her cat Georgie gave us quite a scare. I will spare you the details of her symptoms. Suffice it to say that we were both worried and I convinced Linda that she should have Georgie examined by her vet. The end result was that Georgie spent a few lonely nights in the animal hospital. Her owner was relieved to find out that Georgie simply had an upset tummy. I won’t tell you how much it cost (just yet) to be given that tidbit of information! Whenever I have to bring my dogs to the vet, I just keep this mantra in mind, “I love my pets, I love my pets, I love my pets!”
Notice Georgie’s little smirk? She had a tooth removed some time ago. She seems to be saying, “Yes, I am the cat that cost you 1K, or close to it, but I am sooooo worth it!”
I have included a few shots of the process of painting her in the photos below. The process does not tell you the number of hours it took to bring this little project to completion (many).
Would love to hear any funny pet stories you might have!
Georgie's Photograph

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5


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