Drowning inspiration from our inner voice with 'busyness'.
How does that happen?
- we have too much on the go all at once
- our gadgets distract us from our moments of introspection
- family and work have us barely able to find extra time for ourselves
- we are going through the motions to appear busy...
Much has been written lately about the busyness that is now commonly accepted as the new status symbol. (First published September 2019, this post has been updated.)
See what I mean?
Anyone else have several to do lists on the go on their kitchen counter?
Inspiration from flowers.
This morning, I cleaned the front porch, potted flowers that I brought home over several days this week. Then of course, I remembered that I had a dusty old door ornament and that I should give it a fresh coat of paint and hang it on the empty hook on our front door. All that was after I met friends early this morning, to try a new sport: pickle ball.

Even though I had a commission to paint, (thankfully I have a very understanding client), my heart wasn't into painting a pet portrait. I really did want to get the wooden wreath painted with fresh flowers.
Did I get everything done on the to do list? Nope. I will simply move some items to another day...
May we all find quiet moments and listen for inspiration.

No we don't need more sleep. It's our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don't need more sleep, we need to wake up and live. - Brooke Hampton.

A very nice blog post, Louise ~ great quotes, photographs and artwork…inspiring!!
Thank you Phil.