Dutch Sheepdog, (Schapendoes), Lupin on wood slice.


Lupin is the most recent of several Schapendoes I have painted over the years for one client.


Schapendoes are originally from the Netherlands where they were known for herding flocks of sheep. The breed disappeared for a while before WWII and then was revived in 1971. (CKC)

Schapendoes love outdoor exercise which is no surprise as they are originally working dogs.

Lupin, a typical Dutch Sheepdog (Schapendoes) puppy.

The client writes that Lupin is still easy to care for but when he is a year and a half years old, his fur will transition to adult fur and he will need to be brushed frequently.

Presently, at 9 months old, he is 36 pounds and as an adult, he will weigh 43-45 pounds. He will, of course, be a bigger dog than his mother as most male Schapendoes are larger than their female counterparts.

All photos by André Laviolette.  Merci André.

Lupin loves cuddling with his owners. He is always seeking attention and has energy to spare. Sometimes his mother Tunga has to correct his behaviour and she lets him know that he must calm down!

Although Lupin plays with Tunga and runs tirelessly at top speed when both dogs are outdoors, he is a cuddler at heart. He will contentedly snuggle close to his human family in the evening. During the summer, when the family spends a lot of time at the cottage, Lupin loves to cool off in the water.

Learn more about Dutch Sheepdogs in Canada.

To learn more about Dutch Sheepdogs, visit the Schapendoes Club of Canada.

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