Three quirky gals get a makeover at the beauty salon.


After being cooped up all these months, who wouldn't be a bit quirky? These three gals have made a date at the local beauty salon where they will get caught up in their news since being in quarantine in mid- March.

Dot is the first quirky gal to arrive.

A bit of a wild child at heart, Dot (or Dotty as friends call her) changes her hair colour every three months. Her purple and orange hair colour is fading and she needs more juicy highlights added by her hair stylist Lorraine.

Loud and brash are two words that aptly describe Dotty. Known for her off-the-cuff remarks, she has a generous heart that is ready to give the shirt off her back to any needy person.

A visit to the beauty salon is an occasion for her to find out all the latest news and so, right now, she isn’t saying a word because she is listening to tidbits of juicy gossip. If only the hairdryer could be turned off!

Dot, a quirky gal at the beauty salon.
Dot at the beauty salon.

Second quirky gal arrives...

Teresa or Terry, is a former teacher and even then, she was considered quite quirky. She dressed in bold colours with sparkly hair clips (today she wears a purple flower in her hair) and students never knew what to expect when they walked into her classroom. One day, Miss Teresa even brought her matching green and purple pet parrot to the classroom!

Teresa met Dot when she taught her son eons ago and they have been fast friends ever since. Every Tuesday is martini day for these gals.  It is a tradition they started when they both began walking to lose weight. The weight never budged but the stories have only improved over time. Once the martinis start to flow, the conversation might go from trips they have taken together (Greece, Dominican Republic and Mexico) or to various projects they want to try.

Terry has been booked for the full makeover including a new colour in her hair, waxing unruly eyebrows and upper lip, and finally, a facial. Right now, she is hoping she will not see anyone other than her friends because she has let herself go a bit since the quarantine began.  She knows she will feel rejuvenated after her session at the salon.

Terry, a quirky lady.
Terry at the beauty salon.


Karen is a tad judgemental.  Can't you tell by her raised eyebrow and pursed lips?

She listens disapprovingly to the conversation while she waits for her haircut.  The women in the salon are spilling the beans, and it isn't pretty...all the annoyances and little aggravations are discussed and dissected. This woman gained so much weight while she was in isolation. That one started an online relationship and had her heart broken and lost most of her savings to her faraway paramour.  Why wash your dirty laundry in public she wonders? Then she remembers her mother saying that to her so many years ago…and her mind begins to travel to the past.

Karen, a quirky lady.
Karen at the beauty salon.


About the quirky art…

Now and then, I have to let the crazies out to play.

There is nothing exact and precise about these three women. They are all just a lot of fun and experimentation. A little dab here, another line there…and how about scraping some wet paint off in that area?

They are spunky women with lots of attitude, that's for sure.

I would love to make more of them but I will go to a smaller size next time.

For these three lovelies, I used 11 x 15 watercolour paper, acrylics, and a Sharpie marker. I stopped before the urge to fix this side of her face or that eyebrow took over. Perfection is not the point!

Thanks to Amanda Evanston for her tutorial on Insiders Studio, a private art group, on Facebook.

Other quirky art:  Walter and Millie, a soap opera drama.

Walter and Millie, paper clay brooches


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