This post from 2015 demonstrates a few simple ways I have used the gelli plate in my art.

"I have learned that there is a place for everyone to make whatever it is they want to make. What matters is that you enjoy the process of making. There is pure joy in that. " Danielle Krysa.


"Autumn Fire"

The mixed media painting above is based on a lesson by Lucy Brydon, an amazing artist from Scotland who expertly uses a gelatin plate to make layered monoprints.

In this YouTube video, Lucy demonstrates the use of the gelli plate and limited art supplies. I love listening to her Scottish brogue as she walks us through her printing process. To see more of her work or to register for online classes with Lucy, visit her website.

I have only begun exploring the uses of the Gelli plate.  If you are not an artist, you might wonder what the heck is a Gelli plate.

A Gelli plate is a reusable, easy to clean, printing plate. It feels like a sheet of thick but somewhat flexible gelatin, hence the name. There are numerous video tutorials on Youtube and you can click on this link to see easy ways to create patterns on a gelli plate on YouTube.

In "Autumn Fire", I created the background using the gelli plate. I softened the look by scrubbing white paint over the background and then removing it with baby wipes.

Below are a few of the prints I made before starting the background for the painting.

Gelli Leaves Fall Colours

gelli plateThe Gelli plate is placed on a piece of glass to keep it from slipping while I am working with it.  I found pressed leaves from last fall and they were my first experiments with printing .

gelli leaves

Well, my first attempt was rather disappointing and I think it was also my first opportunity to learn something about printing.

The leaves were too large for the canvas I intended to use.  But nothing is wasted in art and I know I can find a way to shred these printed papers and collage them into a background.

Here are a few more examples using the pressed leaves from last fall as well as a stencil of swirls which I rather like.

gelli leaves final results

More experiments on the way.  Pure joy!