"You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair." ~ Sharon Creech, Walk Two Moons.

Previously published (March 2017).

How to remove the birds of sadness (or lessen their impact).

Don't let the birds of sadness nest in your hair, at least not for too long. Shake them out of your hair right now!

  • take a walk outdoors being mindful of others, keeping a safe distance.
  • facetime, email, call, stay in contact with loved ones.
  • make a list of things to do in future months...all the things you wished you had time to do but never got around doing. There is no time like now to begin a deep clean of the house, to read that book that has been on the shelf for months or years...
  • try something new...look for online yoga classes, tutorials on knitting, crocheting, painting...you name it and you will find it!
  • learn a new language...there are so many apps now that are free.  My favourite one is duolingo.
  • surprise people you love with gifts...many online shops are still open and will deliver.  Making others feel good is a sure way to send those birds flying out of your hair! You can offer them materials to start an indoor herb garden as an example. Just look for companies in your country that offer whatever you wish to order as a surprise.
  • call or shop for someone who is alone or in need. Nothing like helping others to boost your sense of well-being.
  • meditate. Appreciate the quiet.
mixed media portrait nests in her hair
Charcoal, graphite, gelatos acrylic paint. "Nests in her hair", mixed media portrait.


The details of this portrait - lots of various supplies.

- Charcoal XL sticks by Derwent
- Graphite XL sticks by Derwent
- Faber Castell Gelatos
- Acrylic paint
- my own leaf printed collage made last fall with my Gelli plate. I decided she needed something bright to wear.
- a photograph of birds resting in a willow tree taken this winter by my talented photographer friend, Jean-Pierre Serré. I used parts of the photograph in the woman's hair. Thanks so much for the generous offer!

Finally, I imported the work into Procreate where I softened the edges of the collage with digital paint!

For other nests painted by me, read When Birdsong is Silenced.

It is only when we are no longer fearful that we begin to create.  - J.M.W. Turner.