Painted birds of different feathers.


I continue with the bird theme after last week’s post, When Birdsong is Silenced.

This week, I painted birds in two different styles. Although I much prefer painting in acrylics, I do enjoy my watercolours and markers on days when I want something that will be quick to finish and easy to clean up.

Bird on leafy branch is painted using a photo reference from Joshua J. Cotten unsplash. Similarly, Bird with Berries is from a photo taken by Vincent van Zalinge and both photos are copyright free.

More painted birds: whimsical watercolour birds.

One evening, while I watched a movie on Netflix, I painted and embellished a whole bunch of watercolour birds. This was just a fun way to get some art done quickly without too much thought. You can see that these birds follow the same basic pattern using different colours.

Finally, I am still working on decorative and functional birdhouses for my yard. The triangular birdhouse was made by my father a few decades ago.


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