Going places I have never been before...

My phone is fully charged, travel sletchbook and watercolours, and Ipad with pencil are in the travel bag. A new adventure begins.

Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.

Oh, of course!...yes the passport...it's ready as well.

Last year, we stopped in Amsterdam for a few days, and then continued to Zagreb, Croatia. We drove along the Dalmatian coastline all the way to the Albanian border spending some time in Montenegro. Briefly, we stopped in Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina. We still talk about all the adventures we experienced on that trip.

One of my favourite memories is listening to the GPS instructions as we were driving through some city in Montenegro on our way to spend the afternoon at the beach. The automated voice with the British accent had trouble pronouncing the tongue twister of a street we were supposed to be looking for...still chuckle on that one. ( I posted it on social media sites).

A great way to learn about your country is to leave it. - Henry Rollins

If you are a subscriber, you received the travelogue I prepared after our September 2018 trip to eastern Europe.  However, you can still access the travelogue by becoming a subscriber.

Our itinerary this year.

First stop, Vancouver, where it is a tad warmer than in eastern Canada. I am finally meeting friends from Australia, in person. We have corresponded for over 6 years and still have much to tell each other. As wonderful as Facetime might be, there is nothing like chatting up a storm in person.

Kihea beach by Bettina Nørgaard (BKD) at Pixabay.
Kihea beach by Bettina Nørgaard (BKD) at Pixabay.

With our friends, we will travel from Vancouver to Seattle by train. After a four day stay, we return to Vancouver and say goodbye to Sally and Les who fly home to Australia. We then continue our holiday in Maui for two weeks.

When something good happens, travel to celebrate. If something bad happens, travel to forget it. If nothing happens, travel to make something happen.

Follow me on Facebook where I will post photos.

There will be time to walk along deserted beaches and feel the sea breeze. And I do want to make time for just sitting and sketching, or maybe sitting and doing absolutely nothing at all!

However, if you have ever wanted to visit Maui, in a soon to be published post, you can read about my to do list of must see/must do activities while we are in Hawaii.

Travel makes you realize that no matter how much you know, there's always more to learn.

In a way, I never feel alone when I travel the world because of the wonderful comments my facebook friends and followers post while I am discovering new places.

I thank you, dear friends, for coming along on the ride with me.

Let the adventure and the memories begin!

Travel. Because money returns. Time doesn't.

Rachael Crowe photo
Photo by Rachael Crowe.

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