Lady, a beloved furry friend: gone but not forgotten.

Our beloved furry friends hold a place in our hearts from the time they are adopted. Certainly, anyone who loves animals knows that the loss of a pet is heart wrenching. (This updated post was first published on September 4, 2017.)

Many options for painted portraits

One way to memorialize our pets is to have them painted. You can select different formats for the painting. For example, your little friend can be painted on wood as shown below.


However, most clients choose a traditional canvas with 1.5 " painted sides or a cradled panel made of Canadian birch. For more information on this type of substrate, visit canadaoncanvas.

I recently painted Sydney and Tigger on wood panels. Similar to canvas, these types of paintings do not need a frame.

Sydney and Tigger, colourful memorial pet portraits
Sydney and Tigger, pet portrait commissions.


Louise Primeau and the portrait
Louise Primeau, Ottawa pet portrait artist, with pastel Berne Doodle in matte. Portrait is ready to be delivered.

If you prefer, your pet can be painted with pastels instead of acrylics and sent to you with a matte included. While a pastel portrait is a bit more delicate than an acrylic one, it allows you to select a frame which might be something you prefer.

As demonstrated, there are many options. Contact me if you have questions as some options are not yet found on the Custom Pet Portrait pricing page.

Selecting photos for a painted portrait.

Choose several clear, well lit photos of your pet. I can paint your pet in a favourite pose using a second or third photo for the details of the pose that you might want on the portrait. I have written about the best photographs as reference for a portrait in November 2019.

Plan to contact the artist several months ahead...

Contact me well in advance of the date the portrait is needed if it is going to be a gift. A portrait takes time and I consult often with the client by email. Expect at least a few months before I can start your portrait. Once I start, the painting can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. Fall is especially busy as custom orders arrive as early as August for Christmas giving.

Lady was painted as an addition to my portfolio in 2017 and was gifted to her owner. The background is collaged paper.

Below are some of my furry friends.

"Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love...they depart to teach us about loss.  A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart.  If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big." ~ Erica Jong.

Mixed media portrait of Golden Retriever resting on red pillow

8X8 mixed media portrait of "Lady" resting on a red pillow.  

Lady, a beloved furry friend, lives on in her owner's heart. The painting was a surprise for Lady's owner at the one year anniversary of Lady's death.

4 Responses

  • Another brilliant animal
    Portrait Louise, the owners must be extremely happy with your work ????????

    • Thanks, Sally, yes, she is happy. She posted her reaction to my timeline and I published it. I learned though to ask for better photos. Everything is a learning process right now. Another client is picking up her painting this afternoon. Keeps me busy.

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