Lucky Ruby is living her best years in comfort.
Some cats have a rough start to life. Not much is known about Ruby's first five years. However, the last five years have certainly been very good to Ruby.
When Ruby was adopted, her forever family was told that Ruby had no particular bad habits and it is indeed true. She has never clawed furniture and doesn’t jump up on countertops like many other felines.
Always regal in demeanor, Ruby reclines in comfort in the various cushions, pillows, and chairs at her disposal in her home. On occasion, she might deem to lift a royal paw and give a half-hearted attempt at swatting a chirpie stuffed bird or some ball that might come her way. Don't be fooled! She is only trying to please her family and give them something to talk about. After all, she is the centre of attention. Yes, she is truly lucky in many ways!
Over time, her owners have come to appreciate the little love bug as she is called – she loves to be around her humans, and especially likes to stretch out on a warm lap while her favourite human watches tv or knits. And don’t walk away once you begin to pet her because she is likely to reach out with a paw and tap you gently as though to say - hey! I didn't give you permission to leave. Please continue petting me.
Never one to miss much of what is happening outdoors, Ruby once found a way to open the patio door and escape. Her owners caught on to her tricks really quickly and now she must be content with looking out the window at the wildlife that comes to tease her.
Ruby's painting:
Ruby is painted based on a reference photo I took as she was looking out the window (and looking up). She is painted in acrylics on a gallery wrapped canvas that can sit quite nicely on a shelf.
For other feline portraits see Are They Really an Odd Couple?
Friendly Foursome Felines, Tigger and Sydney in colourful cat portraits, Two Cats - One Canvas and many more on my website.
Cats have it all: admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it. - Rod McKuen.
Thursday was Thanksgiving in the US. At the gathering I attended, three of us, including the host, spent at least an hour or more discussing the virtues, mysteries and antics of cats. I’m appreciating your painting of Ruby and her story.
Thanks Christine. Happy to hear the conversation was about cats rather than politics! 😉
Another great portrait Louise. Such a lucky cat, and lucky owners that she doesn’t claw furniture or get on the bench tops.My sister’s cat and more recently her Grandcats literally shredded the sides of her lounge and lounge chair, I would have banned them. And unfortunately our youngest daughter had no concerns about her cat being on the bench much to the distain of the rest of the family.
I suppose it’s like parenting – some parents have rules and others don’t or are much more lenient. I think it is the same with animals and their owners. Fortunately, all the pets I know who come to visit are well behaved.
Dear Louise, I’m a big lover of cats and therefore I admire your painting of sweet Ruby. Especially I love your technique to paint the fur. It’s a masterpiece!!!!!
Thanks Birgit…that is a very kind comment! All the best from Mexico!