Seeking summer’s sweet nectar.
Delicate hummingbirds are seeking summer's sweet nectar in this recently completed painting. Giddy with the tantalizing smells of nearby blossoms, three hummingbirds hover over bright pink flowers. They dive into the most redolent clusters, and then dash out again, in search of their next sweet taste of nectar.

This is a partly intuitive painting in which I let the shapes dictate the type of flower I would paint. I used the same stencil for the birds as the one I used for Dance of the Hummingbirds that hangs above the piano in my living room. This joyful, expressive art includes texture and loads of colour.
Only much later did I realize that I had seen such flowers in May at the Mariposario in Benalmádena, Spain. This is the curious thing about art: at times, one never knows where the mind travels and what might appear on the canvas.
The Bottle Brush flower...
The Bottle Brush flower is in the Myrtaceae family and is found in some parts of Australia and New Caledonia. It is quite impressive although I am sure my Australian friends are probably indifferent about it much as we are with regards to our own native flowers.
Along with a variety of bright blossoms, we saw many species of butterflies. These will serve as future inspiration in my whimsical fantasy collection.
Unfortunately, the most beautiful sapphire blue butterflies were camera shy ...kind of like the story of the big fish that got will just have to trust me!
Even so, it was an enchanting visit to a very special place.
Seeking Summer Sweetness made me think of the Mariposario in Spain.
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