Ah summer time, everything is easy indeed!
Proof? There are popsicles in the fridge and sandals and flip flops at the door. The pool is already solar-panel heated to 85F. Soon, we will be picking fresh lettuce and beans and other produce from our very own garden.

The tempo slows down and routines change during summer. Walks are taken early mornings or later at night when the air is cooler. There are more impromptu guests and drinks and barbecues by the pool.
And life is good! Wishing you a safe and splendid summer.
(for this Throwback Thursday, I selected two entries from my 2016 gratitude journal.)
Missing our summer already, it has started to get a bit chilly here in Oz, but of course nowhere near what you suffer during your winters. Our coldest day for this year yesterday was 12 degrees Celsius ❄️❄️❄️
Sally, we are about even. Last night the temps went to 10C and today it is currently 22C at near 1 pm. Not exactly warm swimming weather. We have had so much rain each day that some of the plants in the garden might start rotting. Not much to be done!