Paint a little teacup and stay safe...
During these difficult and perhaps stressful times, we are now looking to simplify our lives and find enjoyment in the little every day routines within the confines of our homes.
Sereni.tea: the absence of stress while drinking tea. (Tetley Tea).
Tea is a bit of an old-fashioned drink that is seeing a resurgence of popularity especially with the younger crowd as companies like David’s Tea bring in new, fresh flavours. Once upon a time, tea came in very limited flavours: Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe to name a few.
Rather than carry Starbucks coffee around all day, some people are rediscovering the pleasures of tea. New age tea has to have equally mystical and sometimes unpronounceable names such as such as Silken Pu’erh, but a few other teas are easier on the tongue: Japanese Sencha, Buddha’s Blend, Jasmine Black Pearls to name only a few of the teas stocked by David’s Tea.
A cuppa tea is soothing...add Bailey's for extra stress relief!
So during a week that is especially stressful, it is time to rediscover the pleasures of tea if you haven’t done so already. And I won't tell if, just for today, your teacup contains a little bit of Dublin's Bailey or some other delectable Irish drink!

Several years ago, when I first started this art journey, I painted teacups and found the sketching and painting of the delicate porcelain cups very soothing for frazzled nerves. I share some of these little sketches with you today.
They are not perfect.
Nothing in this world is perfect.
Posts about teacups...
Tea in a pretty cup uplifts a sagging spirit
Canadian adventures, Rick Mercer, and...tea?
I would love to hear from you...leave me a comment below or contact me here.
Stay safe. Stay well. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Funny how our minds work sometimes. I just finished a new painting… however, I changed the inspiration teacup to a coffee mug. 🙂
Tea (coffee too) is so soothing in troubled times! No wonder you and I are looking to our teacups or coffee mugs.
Wonderful teacups,they are beautiful!!! 😍 I love this paintings!!!
Happy and serene St. Patrick’s Day to you too!
A hug,Ely. 🥰
Oh thank you Ely! I painted the teacups a few years ago and then moved on to acrylics and never painted another one. Now that we are housebound, I might have even more time for art and working with watercolours will be fun to try again. Stay safe!