gratitude journal entry for sunshine

Glorious sunshine, glorious summer days!

For Throwback Thursday, I am thinking that anything with sunshine will tell the story of the first days of July 2018. Canadians have one thing that unites them: the weather. We love to complain when it is too hot, too cold, too humid, too dry. Get the picture? I won’t be complaining about the heat wave that has us locked in its grip since July 1. These are days for sitting by the pool with a frosty drink in our hands, listening to the kids yell Marco! Polo! and soaking in all those wonderful rays. I am very grateful for sunny days. 

This post was first published in March 2016.

Gratitude for sunshine prompt.

When I think of sunshine I think of..

…the smell of children’s hair after they have been playing in the sun
…juicy ripe tomatoes brought in fresh from our garden and still warm with sunshine
…toes sinking in hot Caribbean sand
…huge sunflowers bowing to the sun in a Tuscan field
…the sun glittering on the Mediterranean off Mykonos
…the patch of sunshine near the patio door that my dogs love
…feeling giddy when the sun shines brightly on another day filled with wonder and beauty

And…what would summer be without a good book to read? or refreshing popsicles melting so fast that they drip down our fingers?

I am grateful for those items as well…

How about you?

Please let me know in the reply box below what you are grateful for this summer. (or winter if this is the season in your part of the world).

Have a marvellous summer filled with glorious sunshine!

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