watercolor leaves



“Fall has always been my favourite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” – Lauren DeStefano, American young-adult author.

SUBSCRIBERS:  in this month’s newsletter that will be sent to your mailbox in a few days, I will show you how to paint on leaves that you have collected.  If you wish to become a subscriber, find the pink button under the newsletter image in the margin on my website, and you will receive the latest news and updates from Louise’s ARTiculations.

Update:  since this post was published in 2015, I have started offering workshops in my home.  One of the workshops, Sketching Every Day, can help you learn how to sketch and paint nature’s treasures that you find in your yard and on walks in the neighbourhood.  Contact me if you have any questions.

Without a doubt, October is the grand finale of autumn. With the last days of gusty winds and rain, only a few odd leaves are left here and there, desperately clinging to their branches.

The steely grey skies of November are harbingers of frigid weather coming from the Arctic. There is something ominous about stark, somber November until the first lazy fat snowflakes blanket the frozen earth. It is a harsh contrast to the cheery warmth of October.

In this part of the world, November is a time to get boots, mittens, hats, and winter coats pulled out of storage. Drinks by the pool have been replaced with gatherings by the fire, indoor that is.

As a kind of grand finale of my own,  I walk the neighbourhoods in search of  treasures soon to be buried under snow. There is still some material such as seed pods, pine cones, and leaves to collect outdoors as inspiration for art. Although the leaves are a bit dried out, their coppery colours are quite attractive.

watercolour leaf over poem

In an old book of poetry I found some verses about fall and I painted a leaf on the poem, and then glued it to the card. This worked better than I expected with very little, if any, buckling.

artist at work
painting pine cones and leaves

Now I feel like Christmas is just hovering on the horizon and I must be more efficient with my time. I have several projects on the go (another blog post for the future) in my art room which looks like a disaster zone.

But it’s not the only room where everything is topsy turvy. When disaster strikes in our home, it hits more than one area!

Hubby and I have emptied one bedroom to give it a fresh coat of paint and install crown moulding. Since the crown moulding is on back order at the builder’s store, the powder room on the main floor is our next target.

It will be emptied and painted with fresh colours and new wall fixtures will be added while we wait for our order to arrive. See what I mean?

Even though October was fall’s grand finale, there are other finales up ahead.  To be sure, having my house all tidy for the Christmas season is one finale for me.

So it looks like November will be a busy month, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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