Christine Milewska’s lifelong passion for sketching.

As a child and teenager I was never without a sketchbook and would also find myself mesmerised watching pavement artist as well as street artists drawing lifelike portraits.

I went to Middlesex University to study for a Foundation in Art and followed this with BA Hon. in Textile Design.

Currently, I am drawn to Urban Sketching with its emphasis of drawing on location and appreciating the beauty of the everyday. I have experimented with a wide range of media over the years but currently love using pens. They are so direct and convenient for on location use. They encourage a bold style which discourages overthinking and preciousness.

The urban sketching process.

In general, I begin my sketches by working quickly and boldly with a gel pen. A fast and furious style gets rid of any sense of being daunted by the fright of a fresh page!

Usually, I find a focal point and then work outwardly from it. Once the initial sketch is complete, I move on to colour and tone. I am always keen to enhance the drama of a subject by exploiting tonal contrast. Equally, I try to ensure colour balance as this helps to harmonise a sketch. For example, if I add a bit of pink to the sky, I will make sure there is at least an element of pink in the foreground too.

A good tip is to take a photo of the sketch or look at it in the mirror when midway. It tricks the brain into looking at it afresh and areas that need further tonal or colour balance become more obvious.

Christine Milewska: Favourite sketching supplies.

I particularly like Tombow brushpens, TouchNew chisel markers and Papermate gel pens. Recently, I have also experimented with fountain pens and Quink which can produce interesting results.

Above left: London Lantern sketched with Papermate Gel Pens.

You are invited to follow me on Instagram.

To view other artists who have been featured on my website in the last 3.5  years, please visit the Guest Artist page.

I am grateful for all the talented, productive artists and creatives from all over the world (photographer, author...) who have appeared on Louise's ARTiculations.

Other artists from Great Britain who have appeared in past posts include Eleonora Medwell, (2019) Maxine Dodd,  (2019) and  (2020), Rosita Frick.

If you are a creative and would like to be featured in this space, please contact me. This feature will continue this year as my goal is to share the wonderful work of all types of creatives.

I do not charge a fee to showcase your creative work!



2 Responses

    • It is quite liberating to just let the pen flow. I love how she uses washes of colour for added interest in her paintings. Thanks Sally.

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